
Ballooning adventures and more...

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Nebraska LIfe Magizine

Here is a wonderful article about the Nebraska Balloon Club.  Below are the first coule paragraphs of the article...please click this link and read on. 

A Front Porch in the Sky
A rare breed of flyers float above Nebraska: The Nebraska Balloon Club.
Story and photographs by Mike Whye

"ARE YOU RIDING WITH ANYONE?" Jim Gunhus asks me. Behind him, a five-story-tall, yellow hot air balloon bobs lightly – a thick rope tethers its wicker basket to the trailer behind Jim’s pickup truck.
I reply, “No,” and he motions me toward his balloon, Yellow Bird.
Already, another balloon, Steve and Elane LaCroix’s Propane Addiction, is rising – its propane burners flaring brightly as hot air fills its giant envelope.
Nearby, three more balloons ripple with the breath of hot air like gentle free-form elephants arising sleepily from a field near the high school in Gretna. .....
Nebraska Ballooning Slideshow



Nebraska Life Magazine
Nebraska Aviation Hall of Fame
Pepper Ann!!
Meet the crew...
McCook Rally
Aerial Wizard
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